About Us
Enabling our People to Prosper
Gyanoday works towards the upliftment of the neglected and marginalised sections of the society. Since 2001, we have been striving to ensure that individuals and children from these communities are given the opportunity to grow into constructive and self-sufficient citizens of tomorrow by creating a nurturing environment for them today.
Our Verticals
Our motto is to drive a social change by fostering an environment where the underprivileged children can learn, educate themselves, thrive and have a better future. Our verticals are aimed at helping these poor families to overcome their financial obstacles and give their child access to basic education.
Building a good life for these children is a constant process and we hope to make a difference.
Vatikas lie at the heart of Gyanoday. Here, our team runs post school tuition classes, conducts recreational activities, and imparts basic life skills to children hailing from the marginalised sections of society. For many of these children, our Vatikas are the only source of education. Apart from focusing on literacy, the Vatikas provide a safe and nurturing environment to the children on a daily basis.
In last two decades, over 20000 children from economically weaker households in the state of Uttar Pradesh have benefited from the full time scholarships provided by Gyanoday. This program not only gives these children a platform to seek knowledge and nurture their aspirations but has also become a powerful tool in transforming the bias against formal mainstream education in certain communities.
We support the underprivileged youth to seek ways in supporting themselves and their families financially by providing them with various skill training programs. Our skill training activities have been focused on helping the underprivileged children realize their own potential that enable them to become employable, make a proper livelihood and live in society with dignity and self-worth.
With higher education & skill based learning, we create systems that help individuals to work, or set up businesses of their own.
Stories of Change
Through our initiatives, we have enabled children and individuals from underprivileged backgrounds to receive quality education and improve their prospects for the future. Following success stories are a testament to the positive impact that Gyanoday has been making in the lives of the underprivileged since the past 21 years!

Success Story of Vanshika
Vanshika Sharma, a remarkable individual and a scholarship student at Dayal Gyanoday Vatika, has a

Strictly Non – Negotiable !!!
Some aspects of the work my colleagues and I do as a part of Blossoms
Snapshot of our Geographical Footprints
Gyanoday is presently running its operations in 2 states (Uttar Pradesh & Dehradun) and 1 union territory (Delhi) of India. Our projects and interventions are designed to improve the lives of underprivileged by helping them get access to quality education, scholarships, vocational training and careers & livelihood.
The colored states on the map indicate the geographical footprints of Gyanoday in India.
circle of impact
Our Partners
We actively partner with numerous organizations ranging from grass-roots organizations who actively engage with the most disadvantaged sections of society to large corporates who help make a considerable difference to the battle against illiteracy, poverty and unemployment.