Meet Nisha, a first-year B.A. student from Ismail National Mahila Degree College Meerut, whose inspiring story with Gyanoday is a big reason for motivation. Nisha comes from an underprivileged family where her mother used to work as a housemaid, which was the only source of income for the family. While Nisha was pursuing her education in the 10th standard, she had to support her mother with her work as a housemaid, as that was the only way to support her family. Unfortunately, Nisha had nightmares about not being able to continue her education after the 10th standard due to her family’s financial situation.
Thankfully, Gyanoday recognized Nisha’s potential and joined hands with her after her 10th standard. Gyanoday provided her with all the necessary support and education and enabled her to pursue higher education. We helped her pursue computer courses after her 12th standard and became a huge factor of motivation for her, keeping her hopes alive.
Today, Nisha is a 1st year BA student at Ismail National Mahila Degree College Meerut, and we at Gyanoday are certain of her success in her career. We have our eyes on her and hope to come back soon with an update on her success story.
Gyanoday is on the lookout for such aspiring minds like Nisha’s, and with a little help and motivation, we can be a guiding factor to many more children like her. Many children like Nisha lose track of their careers and dreams due to their family situations, but Gyanoday is here to support and empower them to achieve their aspirations. We hope Nisha’s story inspires others to pursue their education and dreams, no matter what their family background may be. Please like and share Nisha’s story to spread the message of hope and empowerment.